Friday, November 11, 2016

strangeness onhand

This was a different day

    It was a zoo day.  So I put my "uniform" on and made the trek east.
    My supervisor was in a training session, or so the note on the door said.
    I signed in, picked up the keys, looked at the schedule....and I was not on it.
    Then I got to thinking.
    Training session.  Not on the schedule.  No volunteers on the schedule.
    Seemed I signed up for the training session about a month ago and forgot.
    Didn't need my green shirt or the keys or to be in the place where I was standing, momentarily confused about my brain's functionality.
    Before I left Rochelle, I filled up the car.  I noticed a woman in a huge SUV at the next pump.  It was one of those cars that gets about 8 mpg....huge!
    I also noticed a drip coming from underneath her car.
    As I got in my car to leave, I noticed the drip was a little faster and there was now a puddle, a noticeable puddle, under her car.
    I got out and said, "Excuse me....but I think you are leaking gas."
    She did not seem too concerned.
    I am just glad she was not a smoker.
    Saw two accidents, one of them almost at the exact spot where I saw an accident last time I went.  Deja vu, all over again.
    And I usually stop at a small local coffee shop for a shot of caffeine on the way home.  But today I stopped at a Starbucks because they have 2 for 1 holiday beverages through Nov. 14.  Plus a pop at dinner.
    I don't think I will sleep at all tonight.

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