Friday, November 18, 2016


I sort of went for a bike ride today

     I hauled my bike into town and tried to ride the bike path.
     You may have noticed it was a tad windy.
     When I started riding about two, it was a gale!  I ended up riding up and down the streets of Rochelle, which gave some protection from the wind.
     The temp was 66 when I started riding.  It was 61 when I finished, and dropped down to the mid 50s by the time I got home.
     And now, snow.
     It's not even winter, but it is acting like it.
     Speaking of winter and acting, (Don't you love my segues?  And yes, it is spelled correctly... I looked it up.) I went to the Winter One Acts at RTHS tonight.
     I coach a couple of students who were involved in the one acts and I was curious to see how they performed in a theater situation.
     I was very impressed.
     There is some pretty great talent at the high school.  These kids directed, acted and in some cases wrote the show.
     Now my complaint.  People will go to a football game in the freezing cold and watch the team.   They will sit on hard bleachers watching basketball. But the theater was not very full tonight, despite the soft seats and the ambient temperature.
     Performers need audiences.
     So, Saturday night if you can, go up to the high school and watch the show.
     There will be parts you like, and parts you won't understand. (I blame that on a hearing loss and a 50 year age difference.)
     But I guarantee that you will be impressed.
     So go.
     That's it.

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