Sunday, November 27, 2016

you have to realize you are 68

I hated to hear those words today

     I spotted some people out riding their bikes.  Sure, it was cold, foggy, damp, but they were riding.  I said to Jackie that I wish I was energetic enough to do that on days like this.
     She said the words I really have a hard time accepting.
           They are in their 30s.  You are 68, you have to realize that you can't do everything.
     Or something thereabouts.
     She is right.  I am feeling my age tonight.
     I brought in most of the outside stuff...table, chairs, lounge, hose carts, hoses....and I am feeling it tonight.
     I got it all in the garage, with only a minor bit of cursing.
    Then I started lugging the water softener salt downstairs.  Sure, it is only a 40 pound bag....but after taking two of them down, I resolved not to take another.
I'll have to rely on John to take the next two down, but I am also going to investigate home delivery options for water softener salt.
     Growing old is funny sometimes.  I have more time on my hands, but it takes so much longer to do things, like mowing or cleaning.
     Hair doesn't grow so fast on my head, but my ears and nostrils are like a forest.
     I don't care too much about clothes...other than I have to wear them.  I do wear clean clothes, but you will seldom see me in anything other than blue jeans and a sweat shirt or a sweater.
    It's not fun.
    But it beats the alternative, as they say.

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