Wednesday, November 16, 2016

a tale of woe

I had a bad biking experience today

    As I approached the tunnel at 38 a shadowing figure moved out from under the bridge.
    When I first saw the mask covering his face, I knew I was in trouble.
I stopped.  I got off my bike.  I took a few steps backwards, but the masked marauder kept staring at me.
    I picked up a rock and tossed it at him.
    That seemed to not interest him.
    So I did what any self respecting city guy who fears an animal with rabies.... I went a different direction.  I rode my bike to 38, crossed over and walked my bike down the embankment on the other side.
     The raccoon never moved.  It must have been enjoying the day in the sun.
I know raccoons are fierd fighters.  (Or is that a badger?  I never remember.  They must not be very good fighters because I don't know any football teams named the Raccoons.  Badgers.  Wolverines.  Bears.  The Fighting Fish.  OK, I made that one up.  No Raccoons.)
     It was a beautiful day. Toward the end of my ride I even stopped for coffee at my favorite Rochelle coffee spot.  Luckily they still had a couple of chairs out front for people like me on days like this.
     Hopefully I can get some riding in tomorrow morning before I wander to the museum and try to answer questions about some of the artifacts in the basement.       Second graders ask some pretty strange questions, but I always try to tell the truth.  Unless I don't know, then I might make something up.
     One last thing about the raccoon.  I don't think it was constipated.

He as bigger than my dog and did not want to move.
So I went over him......quite a scat man, don't you think?

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