Monday, November 21, 2016

of cords

Cords absolutely flummox me

     If I was king, the first law I would make is that all electronic devices have a common cord!
     Whenever I look for a cord, I find at least 5 that don't fit.
     Where do they come from?   (Or, from whence doth they appear?)
     Well, when I have an electronic thingy go bad, I never throw out the cord.  I put them in a box.  Or a bag, I seem to have both.
     But I put extra good cords in there too.  Or sometimes on the shelf, under the three notebooks, four old magazines, a W flag, and some random papers.
     I have been having an issue with my real camera.  It seems to periodically wipe out the memory disk.  I don't think it is the disk, because two of them were wiped out in a 10 minute period, so I think the camera may be having issues.
I have had it for 14 years.  A film camera would still be serviceable after that time, but a digital....well, that's a new breed of cameras.  I don't know how long they are expected to last.
     Anyway, Emily gave me a little Pentax camera a while back.  It was before the storm, so she may not even know I have it.
     Last spring I looked for it to take to Cuba.  While I found the camera, the cord for recharging was gone.
     I looked, and looked, to no avail.
     Could not find it for the wedding in June or the trip in September.
     Tonight I vowed to root through the crap in the closet and find the cord.  And also the camera, which seems to have disappeared from the desk.
     After 5 minutes I found it.
     Plugged into the camera.  On the shelf.  In clear view.
     Do I need to start worrying about my mental capacity?  Seriously, I may have a short circuit somewhere.
     I also dug out the little keyboard and I pad that used to be Jackie's.
     But guess what?
     I can't find the cord.

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