Friday, November 25, 2016

Sorry, Mr. Melville

Call me idiot

     Sometimes I just don't think it all through to the very end.
    Tonight, on my way home, I was going to a store on Randall Road.  I usually go to Orchard Road, then take that to Randall.
     But tonight, for some unknown reason, my little pea brain  was hit by a memory of taking a road from Randall to Il. 31.
     So I got off at 31.
     Now,  it may have been a few years since I had taken that route, but I was positive I turned right, then left.  So I did.
     And ended up crossing 88, which should have been on the south.
     So I turned around, went north, ended up on some residential road.  So I turned left, knowing I needed to go west.
     I don't know exactly what happened after that.  Let's say I passed some businesses a few times.  Over my stubborness, and the male trait of never asking for directions, I used my phone to get directions and it took me back to 31, then to 88, then to Orchard Road.
     My little detour took about 40 minutes.
     When I finally got home, we had left overs.
     Jackie made some small apple pies, those one person serving size pies.
     I had one.  Put a little whip cream on it.
    We have 3 cans of whip cream in the refrigerator.  I used the oldest can, not the one we opened yesterday.
    After putting the dollops of white heaven on the pie, I noticed the nozzle was discolored.  Ok, the nozzle was black.  Very black.  And brown.  Very brown.
     Now a prudent person would have scraped the waves of whiteness off and re coated with the new, fresh whip cream.
     But not me.  I saw no discoloring.  It smelled ok.  So I ate it.
     Several questions now arise.
     How long before food poisoning sets in?
     Do I have ample rolls of tp on hand, just in case?
     Why am I so cheap?
     Why do I agonize over simple decisions, like should I eat it or not?
     When will I learn from my mistakes?
     I have a headache and I am sweating....what's next???
    Yes, I did toss the can out.
    Yes, I realize the foolishness of my actions.
    Yes, I hereby repent from my sins of stupidity.
    At least until tomorrow.

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