Sunday, November 20, 2016

this is tiring

I got dates screwed up again

     I have been telling everyone I leave Dec. 4.  Everyone.  I even bought tickets to the high school madrigal dinner Dec. 3.
     Told people I could not stay long at the speech meet Dec. 3 because I would be doing last minute packing.
     Everyone knew I was leaving Dec. 4.
     Talking to Julia today and she says I leave Dec. 3.  Then she said we talked about this...she was going skiing Dec. 4, would be back late.  I would have a key.       Maybe have to take a cab from the train to her house.
     And I remembered.
     So, what is it about my little brain that can't keep dates and times correct?
     It is really frustrating.
     Every calendar in our house has Dec. 3 as my day of departure.  Every one.
     The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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