Monday, November 14, 2016

whine, whine, whine

I am a little whiny today

     Is that right?  Whiny?  Spell checker says it is not whiney, which I thought it was.  So I changed it.
     Garage is a mess.  Can't get it organized.  Can't toss out crap.  Can't find crap.  Stepped in crap.
     I did manage to get the Christmas lights up outside.  I think they work.  They are all on a timer and my problem is always setting the stupid timer.  I get one to go off at the right time and the other goes off 20 minutes later.  No matter how I adjust them, they don't work together.
     I won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving.  That weekend will be a full blow out put up Christmas stuff weekend.
     I think we have about 20 Christmas tubs in the basement.  Hauling them up is always a challenge.  Hmm....people are coming for dinner on Thanksgiving.  Maybe after dessert we could have a haul the tub up session.
     I get frustrated with little things.  Like the election signs.  We had a Hillary one in the yard, but with the election over, it's time to go.  The plastic doesn't seem to be recyclable.  And the wire framing technically is, but the recyclers toss it because it jams up equipment, so I was told to put it in the garbage.
     It bugs me to throw that stuff out.  We need to make it easier for people to recycle stuff and not fill up landfills with things we can recycle.
     Which is why my garage is a mess.  Too many things that need to be recycled....including me.

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