Thursday, November 17, 2016

close to it

I just want to update you with some numbers

     59, 978.....the number of page views for this blog.  This post will put me over the 60,000 mark.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
     398.7..... the number of miles logged on my bike this year.  Hopefully, 400 will come tomorrow.
     17..... number of Rotary calendars I have sold so far.  Great Christmas presents!  Order one today!!  I can deliver!!!
     4..... number of second grade classes that visited the museum today.  I had the task of presenting the basement to them.  The youngin's asked some darn good questions, and I better find the answers!
     1.... former student who visited the museum today, along with her parents and grandfather.  I love seeing people from my past.
     1..... former student who sat with Jackie and me at Country School tonight.  I remembered everything about him except ... guess what?  Exactly.  Asked if he was him or his brother.  He was him.
     68.5.... the number of years in my life.  But I always get confused.  How old am I?  Birthday 69 marks the end of my 69th year, but the start of my 70th.  So, will  I really  be 70?  Does it matter?  Is 70 the new 50?
     106...age of a Cub fan the Tribune featured in a story.  He didn't want to admit his age because it was hard enough to get a date when women found out he was 90, he'd never get one when they learned he was 106.
     47.... the number of years of marriage we will celebrate in December.  I won't be home.  Does it still count?
     1....  last thought before I go to bed.  I have lived a good life, a blessed life, and I am glad you have allowed me to share a small part of it with you.

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