Monday, November 7, 2016

oh nooooooo!

I sometimes don't believe it, or not

     Stuff I have taken for granted as the truth may not be.
     It was revealed in a news article that Chip and Joanna may be deceiving us at the beginning of the show.  A former home buyer who was on the show said they may show you three houses, but one of the houses is already owned by the show's .... what do you call them?  Star?  Client?  Contestant?
     Anyway, the person in the show already owns the home.
     I am bummed.
     Next you'll be telling me that the Cubs really didn't win the WS, but it was a hoax perpetrated on the viewing audience by a cartel formed by a chewing gum fortune family and an internet trading billionaire family.
     Or that the real life people, not actors, in the Chevy commercials actually got jobs acting and are going to be super stars.
     There are so many things we accept as true, but what if they aren't.
     Was Obama really born in Hawaii?  Really?  Sure, there is a birth certificate, a birth announcement in the local paper, hospital records....but, really?
     And is the Earth really round?  Every time I see a picture, it looks flat to me.
     While I am at it, I think the moon is flat too.  I never see the whole thing, so it must be flat.
     Some of you may remember the moon landing.  I think it was shot on a movie set in Arizona and the 3,467 NASA employees involved all took a pledge to never reveal the secret!  They never have, testifying to the dedication some people have to preventing the truth from being known.
     The Loch Ness monster?  It's really a dinosaur that has been kept alive by a secret sect of Scotsmen.  (Working the alliteration angle again, as always.)
     Oh there are so many truths that may not be true.
     But I will leave the others to your imagination.
    Cause right now I have to wire some money to my new friend in Nigeria.  He is going to make me quite rich.
     I think the wine has relaxed me tonight.

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