Saturday, November 19, 2016

I did not know

I think it may be on my permanent record

    This is strange.
     I was talking to a former student today, and he mentioned he was sent to the principal's office by another teacher.
     I jokingly said that the incident was on his permanent record.
     A third gent joined the conversation.  He said he was a bit of a challenge in fifth grade, and on the last day of school pulled the fire alarm!
     And that is on his permanent record.
     Seems he went to enlist in the Air Force under a special program and sat down with the recruiter.  The Air Force ran a background check and asked him about the incident!
     It was in his permanent folder!!
     No charges were ever brought against him, and the AF did not view it as a major issue.
     But holy cow, something you did as a kid can come back to haunt you.
     Especially if it is on your permanent record.
     Wish I could see mine from high school......I think it would make for interesting reading.
     "A quiet person, he can do some pretty stupid things."
     Nothing has changed from high school, I can assure you!

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