Wednesday, November 2, 2016

shoulda, coulda

I am having regrets about tonight

     I have been a Cub fan for as long as I can remember.
     For years, I have been waiting until next year.  Well, next year is here.
     And it is tonight.
     So, why am I sitting at home?
     I should have gone to Cleveland.  Should have gone to where the Cubs are going to win their first World Series in my lifetime.  In my mom's lifetime.  In a whole generation of folks' lifetime.
     There is a price to pay for regret.
     I was listening to Joe Maddon talk about his Tampa team he took to the WS.  Young team, exciting team.   A team that was built to be together for a while.  Sound familiar?
     He called it World Series fatigue, but they didn't go back the following year.  Or the next.  Or the next......or since.
     Anything can happen.  A pitcher goes down.  Fielders get hurt.  Contracts run out.
     In truth, this could be the only time in my life I would get to see a WS game involving the Cubs in person.
     And I was too cheap to go.
     On the upside, I do get to spend the night watching with Jackie, who is a pretty rabid fan herself.
      And I will probably call Dan and John after the win, maybe even Warren.....just to again say "This is the Year."
     And it is.  I just hope it isn't the last one in my lifetime.
     As Frank sang, "Regrets, I've had a few....."
     And I did save a couple of thousand dollars, which is always a good thing.
     Let's Go Cubs!!

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