Tuesday, November 29, 2016

somebody has to

I read an interesting article in the Trib today

     It was about a program in the Oakland CA area that targeted economically disadvantaged youth and high school drop outs.
     It's an apprentice program in the refuse collection field.....or how to be a garbage man.
     The youths are recruited and trained for two years.  Then they will be eligible to have a commercial driver's license and get a job as a union sanitation collector.
     During training they get $20 per hour, great wages for jobs requiring you to get up at 3 a.m. and work in all kinds of weather.
     Once they get a union job, they are looking at a salary of about $70,000 a year.
     I am not knocking the program or the job.  Yes, it may be more than some college gradates start out at, but it's a tough job.  And someone has to do it.
     The same article mentioned that currently there is a shortage of about 48,000 qualified collectors across the country.
     Like I said, I just thought it was interesting.

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