Saturday, November 12, 2016

another year, almost

Every year I plan to see the  Oscar nominated films

     I want to see the nominees for  best picture, actor and actress.  I scan the paper for the movies, write the titles down, and get ready for the Oscars.
     Last year there were 15 movies that were in those 3 categories, with a few of them appearing in more than one.
     That's a lot of movies.
     But through sure perseverance and great scheduling I managed to see a grand total of 2.  Yes, two.  2 out of 15.
     And I think that was double from  the previous year.
     Why don't I watch them?
     It confounds me.  I have a tv downstairs, I know how to use the local video store and that red boxy thing.  I have Netflix and on demand tv.
     I missed some good movies last year, including a few that were not even nominated.
     I can't understand why I don't go to the show more often.  I'll see an ad for a movie, or hear a review, or read about it and think, "Golly, that would be a great movie to see." (Yes, I do use golly.  Sometimes I toughen it up and say by golly and if especially agitated, good golly followed by Miss Molly.  Thank you Mitch Ryder.)
     I'll find out where it's playing and that's the end of it.
     I like movies.
     I have watched Casablanca so many times I can say parts of it along with the actors.
     I have watched the Magnificent Seven save that village at least 25 times.  I think I wore out my copy of Princess Bride, at least I can't find that.  Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, African Queen, The Spound of Music, The Great Escape....all movies I have watched multiple times and still enjoy.
     I think I am in a rut.
     Speaking of the Magnificent Seven, the last magnificent one just died.  Robert Vaughn was the gunfighter who had lost his nerve, but in the end redeemed himself and died a glorious death.  He was the last of the seven from that film.
Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Yul Brenner, Horst Bucholtz, Vaughn, James Coburn, and I can't remember the last guy, the one who always believed the villagers were hiding gold.
     And if my mind is still accurate, Bronson, Coburn and McQueen were all in The Great Escape also.
     That's what confuses me.
     I love a great movie.
     I just don't watch them.

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