Thursday, November 24, 2016


I ate too much

   Surprised?  I did not think so.
   Good food, family, friends.....that's all you can ask for on a holiday like today.
   Jackie did point out that the pumpkin pie  story from yesterday was not at the same holiday as the high table.....I pled my doddering age and borderline senility for the error.
   It's funny...the older I get, the more events seem like an accordion.  What used to be such a long time is now compressed.  The accordion is being squeezed and events that were years apart are now seconds.
   I am glad I can 't remember everything.  There are too many events I don't want to remember.  And I think there are events that never happened that I remember vividly.
   Anyway, time for bed.....if I can waddle that far.
   I don't have to eat for a few days.........
   I hope you all had a festive day of fun, food, family and friends.
   Create memories.  Then hold onto them.

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