Saturday, November 5, 2016

sleeping ......

I missed my camping trip this weekend

     It's almost an annual event, the last weekend in October or the first weekend in November.
     John and Dr. Dave are guys I grew up with.  It seems we started a long time ago,  camping in the fall, bringing an assortment of other guys along  from time to time.  Usually I am the one who misses because of other things I have to do.  Same with this year.
     It's always a great experience.
     One year, we were at Mississippi Palisades State Park, I woke up to the sound of little pitter pats on the tent.  It was snowing!  Pretty darn cool experience.
     We sleep in tents.  On the ground.  No portable heaters, roll out couches, recliners...just real men and nature.
     But we always think it would be nice to bring a heater.  And lights.  And maybe a small tv.  Mini fridge.
     But we don't do that.
     We hike during the daylight and sit around and talk sports, politics, cars, (of which I am pretty quiet) and the general state of the world after dark. We listen to music, like Simon and Garfunkel and other older folk type people, and some Floyd, and others that are mellow and quiet yet great musicians.
     We smoke a couple of cigars and if alcohol were allowed in the park, we would probably have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner and some hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps with cookies.  Maybe a shot of red eye.     Maybe.
     We cook on a fire, sometimes a small grill.  Usually burgers and sausage, with chips and other munchies.
     I missed it this year.  I got confused, and said this was a good weekend to go when I was already committed to watching the dogs.
     But even if I didn't have to dog sit, I just wasn't feeling well enough to go.  My headache is almost gone, but I am terribly tired.
     I was the cookie and hot chocolate person, so I hope someone picked up the slack.
     Funny, it seems the older you get and the more time you have, the less opportunity you have to spend it with old friends.
     Every year I complain about sleeping on the hard ground, using a pit toilet, waking up on a freezing morning.  Every year I wonder if that was the last time.
     Now, I am hoping that next year we can do it again.
     I am looking for a portable heater, just in case.

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