Tuesday, November 15, 2016

half a circle

All I can say is wow.

     And thank you.  A big thank you.
     I began this little blog as a New Year's resolution.  I never finish things.  
     When I went to college, my dad clean out the attic in Chicago and threw out dozens of model cars....all in various stages of construction.
     I have three unfinished books floating around.
     I have not ridden 400 miles this summer, which was my goal.
    You get the picture.
     I checked my "stats" today and ...... sometime this week this blog will hit 60,000 page views.
     Today I am at 59,820....so 180 more....half a circle if it is in degrees.... and I hit 60,000.
     Thank you all for reading, commenting and liking my little passages.
     I really want to bring laughter to you.  Some days, life is not funny, and I am not funny.
     Thanks for baring with me on all the days, funny and not so funny.
     I should give a prize to the 60,000th reader.....wonder how I can do that!

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