Wednesday, November 23, 2016


I may have told this one before

     Jackie and I had were married and went for a  "family" Thanksgiving at my brother's house.
     There were a lot of us.
     Jackie was tasked with bringing a pumpkin pie.
     The first problem I remember was we sat at a table mounted on top of a pool table.  My chair was so low, my chin barely reached the table.
     The food was good, then it came time for dessert.
     Of course, everyone wanted pumpkin pie.  It was cut and passed out and people started eating.  A silence fell over the crowd.  An eerie silence.
     People just sat there and chewed.  Slowly.
    Jackie finally sat down and put some pie in her mouth and almost spit it out!
    "This is terrible!" she said.
    Seems she forgot to put in the sugar part of the recipe.
    Everyone was just afraid to say how bad it was because they didn't want to hurt the new bride's feelings.
     Now, every Thanksgiving I ask if she put the sugar in the pie.  And we laugh.
     I miss those people.
    Happy Thanksgiving.  Make a memory tomorrow.

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