Wednesday, November 30, 2016

the IRS is not calling

I am amazed by people's gullibility

     I don't even know if that is a word.  It would be a bigly mistake if it wasn't.
     I mean, how many times on FB do you see Bill Gates giving away $1,000 just for sharing a post?  Or gift cards for half the price?  If it sounds too good to be true, it isn't.
     Then there is the IRS scam.  A group in India was recently arrested for theft.    They would call the USA and tell people they represented the IRS and then spin a story about back taxes owed
     They convinced people to go buy gift card and then give the numbers to the caller!
     One lady said she was suspicious because the caller sounded foreign and he said rupees instead of dollars.  Twice.  Yet she went and got a $500 gift card and read the numbers to the caller.
     They were bringing in $150,000 to $225,000 a day.  A day!!
     How many times have we heard the warnings:  The IRS will not call you for back taxes!  You don't have a Nigerian uncle who wants to smuggle money out of the country!  If you have to send money because you won a contest, then you did not win the contest.
    I imagine some of these people are elderly.  But I also imagine some of these people are just plain idiots.  They probably still believe Obama is Muslim, the moon landing was faked, the 911 attack was planned by our government and a whole lot of other stupid stuff that isn't true.
      Another example.  I saw a tv program the other night that offered proof that space aliens were living among us Earthlings.  They often had the ability to change shapes so they looked just like one of us.
     Cat Media covers the problem completely in their magazines.  It's true.  I saw it on tv.
     We really need to be aware and concerned about these space invaders living among us!
     And if you believe me and don't recognize the Supergirl plot line, well, good luck, you will need it.  And for $1,000 I can bring you good luck...send cash only.

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