Wednesday, November 9, 2016

now what

I have found myself with extra time

      I followed the Cubs.  I mean during the regular season and through the playoffs.
      They won 11 games in the playoffs and I think those games averaged 4 hours I spent 44 hours watching them play.  Throw in the parade and all the super extra coverage, and it was a lot of time.
      I spent a lot of time listening to the debates and watching the news.
     That's over.
     The Bears are not that exciting, although they have not lost the last two weekends, so that is a positive.
     All that adds up to extra time on my hands.
     Free time.
     So I need to occupy my time.
     Here's how I plan to fill up the space.
     Netflix....just rejoined in time for the winter.
     Deleting pictures from my computer.
     Learning how to delete pictures from my camera and then emptying the trash on the camera  because if you don't empty the trash, the pictures are still there taking up memory.  (To be honest, John and Emily have shown me how to do that about 4 times now.  I still don't get it.)
     Taking a computer class so I know how to use my computer, including the word program and photo program.
     Going through the 426 songs I seem to have downloaded from I Tunes.  Oh wait, that was my old computer.  This one has nada, zilch.
     Learning how to download music to my computer.
     Actually completing a cross word puzzle.
     Finishing my novel.
     Finally creating a vacation book for the 2013 trip to Tuscany, possible now that my pictures have been restored.
     Making a 2016 book from my pictures.
     Figuring out where the hell I went in 2014 and 2015.
     Drinking wine.
     Making wine.  I have the supplies, just need the mix.
     Cleaning the nutcracker cabinet.  This should take time.   Lots of nutcrackers.  And smokers.  And curios.  Lots.  Someday you will be able to buy these items for a quarter when Emily has the yard sale prior to putting us in the home for senile seniors.
     Making lists.  I just feel good making lists.  I never cross anything off, I just make them.
     Putting more time into making this blog funny and entertaining.  Or at leest spelled corectly.
     I am starting on the last one know.

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