Friday, November 4, 2016

holy cow

A lot has happened since my last post

     You might have heard the Cubs won the World Series.
     That be true!
     I am sure there were many of us who had that sinking feeling when the Tribe tied it....I felt like I was going to throw up.  (Much like part of today, but for a different reason. old was that cheesecake?)
     But I turned to Jackie and said stop complaining, calm down, they will win it in the tenth.
    And they did.
     Strange too.  I am the pessimist.  I believe if it can go wrong, it will.
     We've seen it all with the Cubs:  black cats, flubbed foul balls, misplays at first base.  But I knew that the Cubs were going win this year.
     In future years I will recount to myself the thrill of it.  I happened to be with the dogs when they won and yelling was not a good choice.  And while talking to Jackie on the phone during the last half inning was good, it was not the same as sitting in a room with her and watching.
      The most amazing thing occurred on my drive home to put out my W.
It had rained most of the day.  As I pulled out of my driveway I noticed the road.
It was covered in worms.  Hundreds of worms.  Thousands of worms.
     As I drove back to Em's I felt bad that I was driving over them but it would have been impossible in my lifetime to take them off the road.
     Funny, but that memory will stick in my mind as much as Ross's home run or Bryant's grin on the final grounder.
     Next year, I am going to a WS game. In my lifetime, I have to.
     Tickets will be cheaper, maybe not in as high of demand.  But I will go.
     After all, I am a Cub fan.
     I can wait.
     In fact, I am used to waiting 'til next year.
     This time, it will be for a different reason.

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