Thursday, December 1, 2016

maybe it's just me

I watched the Charlie Brown Christmas Special tonight

     I watch it every year.  It's a tradition.
     I said to Jackie, jeez...they are not nice to Charlie Brown.   And they are not.        Kids are rude, they say bad things, treat him badly, and he obviously gets very depressed about it.
     Then Jackie said....and we had our kids watch it year after year.
     In the beginning of the show Charlie sure seems depressed.  Out of sorts.  Sad.  Blue.
     Like me sometimes.
     In the end, all's well that ends well and Charlie is once again loved by his friends.  But I suspect Lucy will still pull the football out from under him next time he tries to kick.
     I watched Miracle on 34th Street last week and my favorite line is something to the effect...yeah, there are a lot of isms in our world today.  But commercialism is the worst.
     That show was done way back when......wonder what they would say about today's world?
     Then there is the Oregon school district that is proposing Santa and other religious symbols be banned from classrooms during the Christmas season so non Christian students don't feel left out.  Since when did Santa become a religious symbol?
     Maybe it's just me.
     But it just keeps getting harder.

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