Thursday, July 28, 2016

popularity is overwhelming

I just checked my Yahoo e mail account

     There were 153 unread messages.
     I check this account every day!!
     How many of them were from friends, acquaintances or actual people?
     And the Tribune was there with three or four entries, but almost all of the other e=mails were for sales or special offers from people we have done business with.
     I use the Yahoo address when I place orders,  make reservations, and do non personal business type stuff.  We use our other Comcast account to communicate with   other people, although we do get some business e mails there too.
     I may read one or two of them....but I often find when I am in need of something, I don't get an e-mail telling me it's on sale.
     Pictures, for instance.
     I want some 8 x 10 prints.  They are $3.99 at a certain pharmacy store.  But last weekend I had an offer for 40 percent off.  Then an offer for 50 percent off.  Both offers expired before I was ready to order prints.
     I have about 10 pictures I want enlarged by I hope I get an offer in the mail tomorrow.
     But with my luck, it will come Sunday after I need it.
     Oh well.  That's how the cookie crumbles.
    Which reminds me...Jackie made cookies, think I'll go  have one.

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