Friday, July 29, 2016

idiots abound

I really get frustrated by idiots

     I know I am not the best driver around.  but the last couple of days have been real eye openers to idiocy on the roadways.
     With traffic at almost a standstill, some guy passes people on the shoulder....the shoulder! the right lane side.  With a bridge looming, he then cuts in front of the car in the lane.  We could not have been going 15 was slow going.  Where the guy thought he could get was beyond me.
     Today, a guy in a Mercedes SUV, one that towered over my car, switched lanes about 20 times weaving in and out of traffic to get ahead.  He even moved over to an exit only lane to speed past cars that were in the right lane not exiting.
     He eventually got caught between a couple of semi trucks and was slowed down considerably by them.
     Today I was changing lanes when a car on my right came around me and cut off the guy on my left just he could get around me.
     I just don't get when everyone is doing the same speed and some yahoo comes along and zigs back and forth, driving much faster than anyone else.
     And then there are the people who don't know their exit is coming up and move from the left across four lanes at the last second, causing three lanes of traffic to hit their brakes.
     I won't even mention the tail gaiters, super slow drivers, people who don't use turn signals when turning and a whole host of other ignorant behaviors.
     I get why there is road rage.  Those people who drive wildly bring out the worst in people.  Karma should step in and give them all flat tires.

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