Sunday, July 3, 2016


It's a little nutsy out there

     There were so many explosions and bangs at 9....I thought someone had invaded us!
     Holy cow.
     Now, I am a liberal on a lot of things, but there is a law about fireworks in Illinois and too many people are breaking that law!
     I know you can drive to Wisconsin or Indiana and buy pyrotechnics, but that doesn't mean you should.
     Last night some nut was shooting them off at midnight!!  And not just one or two, but bunches of them.
     First off, it's illegal.
     Second off, it is really discourteous to your neighbors and others living near you.  Show some respect for people around you.
     Third could hurt yourself.  I say that because sometimes people who set these off do not act not very smart.
     Last year a pro football player lost part of his hand playing with fireworks.  Some college kid with a promising NFL career lost a whole hand playing with them, ending his pro hopes.  And some kid in New York's Central Park stepped on what may be a home made firework and blew his foot off.
     These things are dangerous.  That is why they are not allowed.
     Call me Mr. Grumpy....but I say stick to sparklers and smoke bombs and leave the fireworks to the people who know how to handle them.
     End of rant.

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