Sunday, July 17, 2016

did ya miss me?

I missed writing last night

     I guess the night  slipped past without me realizing that I had not written on my blog.
     Which is ok, because a blog should not be just about nothing.  Like Seinfeld.  Ot this.
     Friends came over and we burned some stuff in the back yard.  And played cards.  And had dinner.      Not in that order.
     I had some rose wine and when the night ended, I was a little too tired to write.
     Now we have this ongoing dispute.  Jackie likes the AC because of her allergies.  I like the night air.
     So last night I slept in the blue bedroom with the windows open.  I actually got a little chilled.
     Poor Corki could not figure out what to do.  She stayed with me a while, then moved to her bed in the bedroom.
     After a busy day today I settled down to dinner and poured a glass of rose.  The bottle was  3/4 empty.  What the hell?  No wonder I was too tired to write!
     Rose is a summer wine.....and it is summer.
     Enough said.

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