Thursday, July 21, 2016

ain't that a beee itch

Procrastination is good, sometimes

     If you wait long enough, sometimes a problem or  issue solves itself.
     And sometimes, it doesn't.
     Three years ago I ordered some gargoyle like figurines.  They attach to the end of a drainpipe, so the gargoyles look like fountains spouting water from the downspouts.
     True, they are on the ground.  But it beats just  seeing the end of the drain pipe, or black plastic tubing, in my case.
     (By the way....if you need black plastic tubing, give me a call.  I still have quite a bit in my yard.
I ordered it three years ago, when the yard first went in.)
     But I never put them out.
     Jackie would ask me about the gargoyles and if I was ever going to put them out.
     Well, two days before the reception, I did.
     Had to do a little re-figuring of the downspout, luckily I have several extra pieces.  John helped, and it all went together fairly easily.
     And the gargoyles look pretty sharp, I think.
     Anyway, part of the tornado damage was Emily's Chicago Bear wooden sculpture.  It got half the side of its face blown off in the tornado, but the rest survived.
      She replaced it, because it looks pretty bad with only half a face.
      I have it standing in my driveway, about two feet away from the gargoyle drain ender.  Why was it there? I honestly don't know.  I guess I was afraid to throw it out for fear of George Halas haunting me.
     You can see what is going to happen, can't you?
     Tonight's storm featured some pretty strong winds, strong enough to spin around and knock over the 25 pound bear with the missing half face.
     Right on top of the gargoyle.
     Smashed, like my dream of being a travel writer.
     Funny.  About the same time I ordered the gargoyles, I got my first deck set of table and four chairs.
     That stayed in my garage for two years, until the patio was finished.  I put it out four days before the tornado last year.  I sat in it once.
     The moral of the story:  Use it, or lose it.
     I am not making that mistake with my Cuban rum.

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