Friday, July 22, 2016

Eye tali?

I heard an interesting observation the other day

     It was about language.
     Italian language.
     Well, actually it was about how some people say Italian words.
     Like.....Italian.  Sometimes people say it Eyetalian.  This person asked me if I had ever heard of Eyetali?
     No, because it is Italy.  So it is Italian spaghetti.  Italian sausage.  Italian roast beef.
     And then I realized why I said it wrong......Saturday Night Live and Da Bears spoof.
     I do believe they used the Eyetalian sausage phrase.  I just sort of picked it up and subconsciously say it, usually in a nasally voice.
     I think I say Eyetalian roast beef, again, the SNL skit influence on my life.
     I realized how much that show influenced me and the rest of America.
     Phrases like:  Jane you ignorant  slut.  Baseball been very, very good to me.  Never mind.
     And when someone says they have a van, I always want to ask them if they live in it down by the river.
    Cheezebourger, Cheezebourger...Pepsi, no Coke.
     And people say that television is a wasteland!
     In the future I will use the correct pronunciation.
     Or not.  Depends on the food.  Who knows, maybe someday I will order Eyetalian pizza live from New York!
     That's it.....or Italy, if you prefer.

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