Wednesday, July 13, 2016

poke a what?

I had a Pokemon Go experience today

     I saw three men crossing the street by the museum in Rochelle.  I slowed my car down, rolled down the window, and asked if they were playing Pokemon Go.
     They said yes, then one man briefly tried to explain the game to me.
     I tell you this because this was a mixed race trio.  Three guys, young and middle aged, all in the quest of obtaining a goal.
     In other words, the way America should be working.
     I also saw something like this last night when working in the garden at church in DeKalb.  A group of about 9 or so young people, all looking at their phones, and all looking for that elusive Pokemon character.  Again, these were a mixed group, all talking and getting along.
     We went out for dinner to celebrate Emily's birthday today.  She gave me a brief lesson on how the game works, including looking for one in the park across the street.
     I'm not sure I would take part, but the people who do seem to enjoy the chase and the exercise.
     If it brings people together, maybe we all should play it.
     Emily's birthday.  Our baby.  Hard to realize she has grown up so fast, although it really hasn't been fast, but time goes by quicker the older you get.
     We celebrated at La Vigna near Oregon, then came back to our house for ice cream cake.  Well,   John and Cameron had to get to rehearsals, so we sent their cake home with Emily.
     One minute they are born, the next minute they are in high school, driving, in college and in a flash, living their own lives.
     Life is too short to waste on hating.
     Peace to all.
     Love to all.
     Happiness to all.
     Goodnight to all.

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