Friday, July 15, 2016


The craziness continues

     The coup in Turkey  .... holy cow, that is huge!
     The current president is repressive, often jailing people who speak out against his regime, but he was elected by the people.  The military would be more repressive, according to reports I heard on NPR.
     Turkey is important in our fight against ISIS.  They are our friends.
     It's very confusing.
     Sometimes I think our friends are not very nice countries.  But they are our friends.  In real life, I don't think we'd be friends with bullies, but in the world that seems to be pretty normal.
     Today was not normal.
     I added bitten by a bunny to my lists of first today.  As they say in sports, no blood, no foul.      Except for my mood.
     Traffic on 88 was terrible.
     I got rained on.
     My chicken dinner didn't taste as good as it was supposed to taste.
     But the Cubs won.  That's a good omen and a good start for the second half.
     And Harry Carey appeared at the ball park, looking young and fit and just like a former Cubs pitcher!
     So I am going to bed with happy thoughts......16 of the next 18 are home games and I have two of those!
     Should be an interesting month or two.

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