Tuesday, July 26, 2016

time for a break

I am doing everyone a public service

     As a favor to everyone in the world, this little entry will have no references to politics, the horrible play of the Chicago Cubs, the terrible state of Illinois.....which is not a pun...... or negative thoughts of any kind.
     This will be an uplifting, enlightening, relaxing, short read, with several pictures.
     So sit back, sip your coffee , and enjoy.

This weird bird has been resting on my front porch plant for weeks.....anybody know what it is?
Spiderman lives near here!

This plan presents a sticky problem...pretty, yet noxious

This little fella was visiting our house the other day.  I believe it is a katydid, or a katydidn't.  Either way, it did not come in the house, despite ringing the bell and hanging around for a while.

This is the clearance section at our local Wallyworld.  I cropped this picture, because a prankster rearranged the letters in the bottom right.  I will leave it to your imagination as to what word was created.

The tree that named a town....the stately Sycamore.  I will miss you, big friend.  You and your twin have served our town well.

We were working with our Italian beans, cutting and blanching them prior to freezing.  I realized this bean had a life as a porpoise......do you see the resemblance?  This is all natural....noting was added by me or anyone else.

This little one was grazing with its mother and twin along Fowler Road.  As I approached, the one twin and mom ran into the corn.  This little critter continued to graze and walked up to my car and looked at me.  It ran around like a little kid for a few minutes, then ran into the corn to join its mother.

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