Tuesday, July 5, 2016

preparedness counts

Am I prepared for a storm?

    Absolutely not.
     I used to be, but for some reason I am not now.
     My weather radio barely can be heard.  I don't know why, but it just does not get loud when you turn up the volume.  Sure, it is old, but it should not wear out.  Should it?
     My big flashlight is dead.  You know the kind, a six volt battery, strong beam, as big as a bread box.   Mine doesn't work.  It just died.  No warning.
     My little flashlight is dead.  I am putting new batteries in it, but I have not yet.
     My patio furniture is not tied down.  A strong wind will blow it off the porch.  I plan to go out and tie it all down when I am done with this.  And my tea.
     I don't get weather alerts on my phone.  I think there is an app I have not downloaded.  Jackie does not get them either.  I need to do that, but I don't know how.  And I am an idiot.
     If we get a storm, I hope it is not severe, for obvious reasons.  We don't want to go through that again.
     We do need the rain.  The garden and yard are dry.  Very dry.  A nice, steady, gently rain would be appreciated.
     But severe storms?  Call me if they are coming.  Just in case.
     Have a safe, quiet night.
      Now, where do I put my winning lottery ticket so it is safe and I remember where it is???

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