Tuesday, July 12, 2016

another day....

It was a very weird day today

      I went to water our new hanging plant on the porch and a robin flew out of it.
      This one was not nesting, but it was learning to fly.  I thought for a second it was going to land on my head.
      The chirping is incessant.  We don't go out the front door, but the birds chirp anyway.
      I am getting tired of baby robins.
      Then Jackie, Dan and I went to the retired teachers' luncheon.
      I wanted to see the program, which was by a couple of former educators.  They told about biking through Europe two years ago.
      They stayed in hotels and camped, with most of the time spent camping.  They followed the Rhine and Daube rivers and were in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslavkia.  They biked about 30 miles a day and were gone two months.
      That got my brain a spinning.
      I turn 70 in 2018.  I already told Jackie I wanted to go back to Holland and do another bike trip.
      Now I am thinking more than Holland, maybe also Germany and France.
      So...start your planning early!  I don't want to go alone, for obvious reasons... accident, injury, bike problems, getting lost, not having anyone to talk with ......   And maybe not for two months, but then again, why not?
      I am running out of time and youth......so I have to do stuff now, or in 2018.
      And finally I made my first mojito with my Cuban rum tonight.  Recipe called for two ounces of rum, and I followed the recipe.  That seemed pretty strong!  Next time, I will go with an ounce and a half.
      Sitting on the deck, sipping my cold drink brought back memories of my Cuba trip.
      Good times.
      Good night

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