Friday, July 1, 2016

they are all animals...really

Small animals have been giving me fits

     Firs there is Corki, who has decided to be a digger.  I have fenced off he area and put down chicken wire (thanks, Nadine, for the tip) and that seems to have helped.
     But we don't let her in the back yard unwatched.
     She also likes to scrape away the mulch and lay under the lilac.  Maybe she is telling me we need some shade back there.
     I had a spot in the back of the yard where I had a pile of crap....pallets, sticks, branches, weeds..... you name it.
     I burned it before the big party, but there was a blank space in the grass.
     So yesterday I went out there with my garden tools and six packets of Emily and John seeds.  I stuck my weed digger into the ground and a ground squirrel jumped up and ran past me.  I about wet my pants.  I was not expecting that.
     Today at he zoo I am holding a guinea pig, on a towel folded over.... creating four layers of fabric.
     I notice the guineas start going in circles and become very active right before they poop.  And sure enough, this little lady did the dance and dropped about 15 pellets.
     Then she peed.
     I was sitting there stroking her when my leg got warm.  Yep, she peed through four layers of towel and crated a half dollar size wet space on my leg.
     She really soaked that towel!
     My robin family is still on the nest.  They yell at me whenever i go out the front door an I have stopped watering that plant because I don't want to ruin the nest and the eggs.
     But I sure wish they would all hatch and fly the coop, so to speak, so I can sit in the rockers and enjoy the summer daze.
     I am glad there are no bear, wolf or coyote stories in my life.
     They are a little bigger and tougher to handle.

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