Thursday, July 14, 2016


I am very sad tonight

     Another terrorist attack.  Scores of innocent lives erased because of a deluded person.
     While I was waiting for my new tires today, I read an article about a Syrian soccer player who escaped Syria when ISIS came to town.
     They shot people in his town for perceived insults.  They beheaded people.  They refused to allow people food until they pledged allegiance to ISIS.  They took young teenagers and subjected them to intense brainwashing sessions to bring them into their ranks.
     These are not religious people.  They are thugs and killers.
     But how do you destroy that ideology?
     I'd be telling a lie if I said they don't scare me.  They do.
     There needs to be a solution, but I don't know what it is, or how to put it into effect.  But too many innocent people are dying because of these extremists.
     My heart goes out to the people of France tonight.  Again.

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