Wednesday, July 27, 2016

hey, hey!

I have seen four Cubs victories!

     It was a little iffy tonight.  We watched six innings of ball where the Cubs could not get a hit, then boom.....homer, homer, homer and an 8-1 win.
     In previous years, we have been lucky to see wins.  That changed last year, and this year is even better.
     The atmosphere at the park is amazing.  Fans sense this team is on the threshold.... but there are bumps in the road.
     Got to see Chapman in relief tonight.  He hit 102 on his fastball and was consistently at 101.  I don't know how you can hit a pitch that fast.
     I just hope he is an addition to the club, not a clubhouse poison.
     When I went to Cell One earlier this year, I got a Cuban sandwich.  It was really good.  So at Wrigley tonight I got a Cuban sandwich... it was not as good as the Cell's.  It just seem dry.  But at least I didn't drip juice down my front like I did on the south side.  Funny, they only place I could not find a Cuban sandwich was in Cuba.  Go figure.
     Now my problem is.....I have had a couple of coffees and I seem to be a little hyper.    Hopefully      I'll get some sleep eventually.
     Now for some pictures.

I love that they still do batter's box and infield foul lines by hand

crowd control

There used to be a McDonald's and a Cubs' store here...eventually it will be a hotel with office space, retail space and parking.

On Addison, the Starbucks, Goose Island, and 7-11 are gone....this will eventually be a five story development with parking, retail and apartments. My understanding is the lone building's owners refused to sell, so the project will be built around it.

102 is the speed .... the fans cheered

t shirts,  anyone?

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