Sunday, July 24, 2016

ouch! That was hot!!

I have been a vegetable the last two days

    It must be the heat.
    We got home from a funeral Saturday and I just sat down.  It's Sunday night, and I am still sitting.
     I may have walked Corki yesterday....but I really don't remember.
     All I know is, it is hot.
     I did go to the store.  I bought eggs.  By the time I got home, they were hard boiled!
     Two deer came to the door and tried to get in!
     I set my ice tea down on the patio and it became hot tea!
     I didn't have to turn the grill on to cook...I just laid the food across the grill and moved it into the sun.
    It was hot.
    But we missed the major storms, thank heavens.
     Every time it looks nasty, I get a little worried.  I hope bad weather only happens to bad people from now on.   I don't know who decides that, by the way.
    I was too hot to do my blog last night.
    Tonight I sat on the patio, drinking a tall, cool mojito, watching the sun go down.  The breeze from the west was cooling, the temps mild.
     I watched the traffic on Flagg Road, heard the guy with an extremely loud radio go down the street, and thought to myself.....what the hell am I doing here?
     Where's the lake?
     Where's the cool air so I can ride my bike and walk the dog?
     Where's the quiet?
     So I finished my mojito and went back inside, where I put on a sweatshirt because I was cold.
     Geez, I am never happy!

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