Sunday, July 10, 2016

the kids are growing fast

I have robins on the front porch

     For some reason, a pair of robins likes to make a nest in our hanging planter.
     They nested there last year.  And the year before that.
     They also try to build nests along the railing.
     This year I knocked down the railing nest several times, and I removed a nest from the hanging planter.  Then I removed another nest.  And another nest.
     Then we went to Vegas.
     When I got back there was a nest with three eggs.
     I felt guilty removing it, so I let it stay.  Which meant, the plant might not get watered very often.
     Then there were four eggs.
     And suddenly, baby robins.  I looked in one day and there was a mass of feathers in the bottom of the nest.  I honestly did not think any were alive.
     I watered the plant.  Too little, too late.
     But the babies were alive.
     Mr. and Mrs. Robin are fairly talkative when I go anywhere near the nest.  They chirp.  They fly over my head.  They tell me to leave them alone.  Jackie sat outside with Corki and all the robins did was sit on the railing and yell at her.  She finally went inside.
     So, for the most part, I have left them alone.
     The plant is dead.
     Last week I thought I saw four babies getting food, but today I think there are only two.
     I did not realize they grew so fast!
     Next year I will have to put a screen over the planter so they don't nest in it .... again.
     I hope my neighbors don't think I was spying on them.....but I have been taking pictures of the robins in the nest.

Babies getting fed last Thursday

Babies waiting food today...look how big they got in just 3 days!!  Hopefully, they will fly off soon.

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