Monday, July 25, 2016

you can't believe the internet

I know not all I read on line is true

     Way back when, during the early days of internet use, kids in my fifth grade class were gathering information for reports on the Civil War.
     Two girls had a slide show with an airplane in it.  I told them that wasn't accurate.  They countered by saying they found it on line in an article on the civil War.
     So I looked....and they were right!  The article said the South used guided missiles in attacking the North and destroying Washington, but the North used their air force to destroy Southern cities.
     I explained to the girls that this was way wrong: no airplanes, no missiles and the South did not win.
     That was years ago, and I think we still have that problem.
     I get dozens of posts about non existent missing persons, ticket give aways, free money from billionaires if you forward the message to 10 friends.
     It's almost like the greatest information sharing device ever invented is being used to put out false and misleading information, on purpose.
     Tonight I looked at a real estate listing for a house in our old, old neighborhood.
     The listing information said there were 30 restaurants in the community.
     Now, if I am from out of town and saw that, I would be impressed.
Being someone who gets easily distracted, I clicked on some of the restaurants.  Kraft Foods is listed.       Don't think you can eat there.  Tom and Jerry's, which left years ago.  It's replacement, The Dog Hub, is also listed.  The Outdoor Market on Tenth Avenue was listed.  I guess, in a stretch, you could call that a restaurant.  If you are only hungry on a Saturday.
     There were a few other locations that didn't make sense, plus several that were closed, and have been for a while.  Olive Branch?  Oh my gosh, that was before Eddi's, which is also gone.
     I would like living in a town with 30 restaurants.
     And according to the web site, I do!  Maybe I should count them one day, when I feel like a challenge.
     I hope whoever buys the house is not a food critic though.  They may find this a tough market.

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