Saturday, July 30, 2016

pop, goes the bubble

I get deflated pretty easily

     It doesn't take much to get me down, seriously.  I don't have a lot of self confidence.
     That's out of the way.
     I was at the zoo Friday, and was doing a walk around.  That's a little activity where you look for things, like restrooms, ATMs, so you can answer people when they ask.
     You may know this about me:  I will answer any question.  The problem is, I will give an answer to a question I don't know!  Such as, Where is the bathroom.  I will give them directions to some place, but it may not be a bathroom.  It's a thing I do, trying to be helpful.
     Anyway, digression over.
     I met a fellow volunteer, Chuck.  This guy was using a walker and might have had an oxygen tank, I don't remember.
     He said he had missed a few volunteer days and was picking up some extra hours.
     So far, so good.  That happens.  I make a commitment to x number of hours, and I try to keep that.
     And when I can't make a day, I do look for other days to go.
     I casually asked him what he committed to.
     Now my commitment is 100 hours.  That is 25 4 hour shifts.  I thought that was a lot.
     His is......700 hours.  700!!  That's 700 divided by 4...carry the three, subtract the two, add the 0, get the calculator......150 days!!
     Not only that, his wife also does 700!!
     That is dedication.
     Truthfully, if I lived closer, I would do more.  But the travel time and cost make it a little more of a commitment for me.
     Digression:  Where the hell is the division key on my keyboard?  I have = / * - + ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )  -_ = + but no division key.  That seems wrong.
     So that deflated me a little.  The hours, not the division key.
     But my big problem came at the market in town today, when I went to buy a pulled pork sandwich.  Yesterday I took $40 with me to the zoo.  Spent $8 for lunch, $4 for coffee.  I had $6 in my wallet and some change in my pocket.  I seemed to be missing a 20.
     I guess I bought somebody lunch somewhere......
     pop.....there goes another one......
     And in reading this, I realized I could have taken 25 (number of my days) timed it by 7 (to reflect 700 hours as opposed to 100 hours) and gotten 175 as an answer, not 150!!
     pop......pop...sounds like damn bubble wrap in my mind!

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