Monday, July 18, 2016

show that W

I saw the Cubs win again today

     Beating the Mets is always a good thing.
     The downer was, it was a night game.  I left the house at 1 p.m., got home at 1 a.m.
     After much debate with myself, I ended up taking the train from Elburn.  I hate driving in traffic, and I figured the traffic for a night game would be worse than for a day game, because it is so close to rush hour.
     In a way I was glad I did.  The line for the shuttle buses to the remote parking was huge!  I bet it took an hour to get people back to their cars.
     I did have an interesting experience on the train.  A young man got on in Chicago and asked where the train was going.  I told him Elburn, and that made him happy because he was on the right train.
     He was a little drunk.  Check that, a lot drunk.  I thought, yikes, this kid is going to get in a car and drive home at midnight?
     My fears were assuaged (love having a chance to work in a 25 cent vocab word) when he asked me if I could give him a ride home from the train station.  He offered me $20!
     He had taken his girl friend to the game.  She left him.  He didn't seem to know where she was, only that he had her ticket and not her.  By the way, he gave his extra ticket to the conductor and told him to give it to someone on the train.
    Robert said he lived near 38, just a block from some restaurant he seemed surprised I did not know.
     I told him I would think about it and he said it was no problem if I said no.
    When we got to Elburn, someone was waiting for him, so I was off the hook.
    Funny thing, I think I would have given him the ride.  He seemed like a nice kid.
     But that's what they say about all serial killers, isn't it?
     Anyway, some pix from the park.

I wonder how they really feel?

That is not me.

His shadow does not match his body!

No, that is not the sun

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