Friday, July 8, 2016

my kind of town

I took a trip today

     I had thought about going into Chicago to visit a museum for the past couple of months.  I decided late last night that today was the day.
     No dogs to let out, no zoo date, no doctor's appointments, Jackie doing ok..... so I headed to Elburn this morning for a day in the city.
     And I didn't tell anyone....not Dan, or John, or Gretchen and Lorraine, or Linda.  Jackie knew, but I decided late in the day and figured it was easier for me to just go alone.
      Anyway, I had lunch, visited a museum or two, walked a lot, and took some pictures.
     I like going into the city.  I made a goal of one trip each month that was not baseball related.  And since I am tied up on Tuesday and Wednesdays, my opportunities are a little limited.  It turned out, today was one of those free days.
     Remember:  I like reflections.

One place I stopped in was the McCormick Bridgehouse and Chicago River Museum at Michigan Ave.

In the bridgehouse, you get to go a up to the top and check out the amazing views  Being an operator and stationed in one of these structures would have been a pretty cool job.

Gears that raise and lower the bridge.  The information said that now days the bridges only go up five or 6i times a year, when in the past they might have gone up as many as 100 times  a year.
Another bridgehouse

Illinois corn out for crazy parkers!!

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