Wednesday, July 6, 2016

like a gerbil

I can't get off this wheel!

     I ride my bike, I don't ride my bike.
     I walk the dog, I don't walk the dog.
     I can't seem to be consistent in exercising.
     But I am consistent in snacking!
     I eat anything I can get my hands on.  Pretzels, graham crackers with peanut butter, graham crackers with Nutella, Fanny  May mint melt a ways .... I can't stop!  (By the way, eat enough of those and you'll see where the name comes from...your fanny may get bigger!)
     And I am hooked on the 49 cent fruit pies from Aldi's.  I go in to buy vegetables, and I add a cherry pie to the bag.
     I am a sick person.
     Right now I am wondering what to eat next.  Not carrots, or an apple, or anything good..... but something with sugar or chocolate, or sugar and chocolate, or chocolate with no added sugar.
     Oh geez, where are the melt a ways.........
     Good night.

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