Monday, July 4, 2016

Just wondering.....

I really get concerned about the USA

     No, I don't mean a Trump residency, although that does concern me.
     Or global warming, although I do wonder about ongoing droughts and overly powerful storms.
     Or the economy, which seems to be very good for the upper class and very poor for the middle and lower classes.
     Or our security, although that is super heavy on my mind.
     But I am concerned about the people who live here and what they know.  Or don't know.
     Now I am not the sharpest crayon in the box, I realize that.  But compared to some people, I am a genius.
A Facebook friend posted a You Tube video of a guy who asked strangers some very basic questions about the Fourth of July.  Questions like, when was the  Declaration of Independence signed?  Who were some of the Founding Fathers?  (By the way, do a little mis-typing and it comes out Founding Farters......glad I caught that!) From which country did we gain Independence?
     They talked to about 9 people and almost all of them were totally clueless.  Answers like 1875, Abraham Lincoln, Jeremiah, China......all kind of made me want to retch.
    One woman, who identified herself as a lawyer, said she didn't like history so she didn't pay attention in class.  Really??  A person in an occupation that deals with our fundamental rights and liberties didn't pay attention in class that explained those rights and liberties?  Holy cow.
     Jay Leno used to do the same type of schtick, called it Jay Walking, and it produced similar responses.
     So my conclusion is we are a nation with a large batch of idiots who just happen to get on tv after failing to answer simple questions.
     After all, we can't be that stupid, can we?

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