Monday, July 11, 2016

miles and miles and miles......

I downloaded an app for tracking my bike rides

     Just reading that sentence should be a shock.  I downloaded it!  Me!! Mr. can't run the remote.
     And it worked.
     I got out on the bike path today and tracked my ride.
     But it was confusing.
     I know it relies on GPS, but does it use a lot of my message allowance or whatever that is called in the cell phone bill world?  How does it work when my phone goes off?  Will the government monitor me?  Should I start wearing a lead helmet?
     And how accurate is it?  It said I rode 7.29 miles, but I thought the bike path was something like 3.8 each way.
     I liked the end miles ridden reported to me.  And 7 miles today was ok with was hot.  And humid.  And breezy.
     But the app  isn't very convenient for tracking speed, since I have to hold my cell phone and look at the screen.  I can't eat ice cream and use a remote at the same time!
     The really weird part was I rode the path from Cooper to the Little League fields and then headed back.
     The phone was in my pocket.
     I passed the tree in Hillcrest that was planted as a memorial to my mother by friends of mine..... yes, it is still there, yes I appreciate it, yes, I do talk to the tree.
     After a brief pause at the tree, I started riding again AND MY CROTCH STARTED TALKING!
     I didn't hear what it said at first, but I almost fell off the bike looking for the speaker.  I knew it wasn't my mom...... or did I?  And if it was, why my crotch????
     The voice went on, "Your average speed is 8.7 miles per hour."
     I realized it was my phone.
     It was telling me how far I had ridden and my average speed.
     The weirder part is, that was the only time it said anything.
     There must be a tweak in there somewhere.
     To be honest, I like my little computer on the handlebar.  It tells me everything I want to know at a glance.  But last week it just stopped working.  Maybe a battery is dead, or the unit is dead, whatever.
     I hopefully will find an answer on line.

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