Monday, November 2, 2015

step by step

Our invisible fence seems to work fine

     Maybe a little too fine.
     Little Corki doesn't venture to far away from the sidewalk when she goes out the front door.  She has learned that getting too close to the white flags means a little zap.
     The fence guy, Paul, did turn up the power a little after our girl just waltzed through the fence line.
     I swear, one time she went through and justlooked over her shoulder, watching me to see how I reacted.  She didn't even flinch.
     As I understand it, there is a high pitch warning when she gets near the fence and then a zap if she doesn't move.
     Now she seems afraid to go near the white flags.
     Which may not be in place for long.  I mowed today, and did not get the hang of getting near the flags without hitting them and shooting little pieces of white plastic all over the yard.
     Paul said to remove one flag a day from each side.  He also suggested I put in yellow tent stakes along the pathway so I know where not to aerate the lawn.  If I aerate the lawn and cut a line, I am out some big bucks.
     So I have bought the stock of tent stakes left in Rochelle.  It's funny, no one asked why I was buying 18 stakes at a time.
     Next up:  buying her a chest harness.
     We go for a morning walk.  It's about eight tenths of a mile, currently.  When we walk in the field, she gets fixated on the gopher holes and will not leave them.  I have to tug hard, and I don't like doing that because I am afraid it will hurt her neck.
     It's almost like an addiction.  When we walk, she knows where they are and pulls like crazy to get to them.  I pull like crazy to keep her away, and she finds a new one!
     When I went to buy a harness, I found out they are sold by chest size.
     How do you measure the chest size of a dog?
     I figure I will take her to Petco and we will try some on next week.
     With all the adoption fees, invisible fence business, toys, leashes, food......I figure were in for about 3 trips to Switerland.
     And she is Jackie's dog.  Or at least is supposed to be.  I can't go anywhere in the house without her following me.  I go to the bathroom, she camps out by the door.  I go outside to mow, she sits and whines.
     The upside is, she's a good looking young girl who is attracted to an old fart like me.  That means...I still have it!!

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