Wednesday, November 11, 2015

glad it wasn't a repeat

Tonight's weather freaked a lot of people out

     Jackie and Corki went into the basement.  Not a small feat for Jackie.  Getting down the stairs is not as bad as getting back up.
     Meanwhile, I was driving down Fowler Road in a downpour.  The rain was coming down so hard and fast, I could not find the road.  I ended up driving off the edge on the wrong side of the road.  I was approaching the railroad tracks and was truly worried I would get hit by a train I could not see.
     I was afraid to stop because I did not know if I was in the eastbound or westbound lane, so I crawled over the tracks and went into the Bearrow's auction yard and waited.
     Meanwhile, Emily and Jackie were concerned about the dogs.  John was on his way home, so I stopped in to be sure they were ok.
     You may remember, Pearl, Cooper and Bennett survived the tornado.
     They have not forgotten it.
     Amidst the lightning, thunder and pouring rain, Cooper was crouched in the back corner of his crate, tail between his legs.  Pearl was whimpering.  Bennett was, well, he was Bennett.
     I let them out of their crates and both Great Danes went into the hallway outside Cam's room and laid down on the floor.  Pearl stuck near me.
     I had to go pee, so I went into the hall bathroom but did not close the door.  Next thing I knew, Cooper was standing right next to me, uncomfortably close for a man-dog relationship.  I had no idea what his intent was, but I could see it ending badly no matter what he decided to do.
     I told him to leave, but he just looked at me....sad and maybe a little confused.  I finished while he watched...which was totally strange.
     Eventually the lightning quieted down and they came out of the hallway.  John came home and I wandered home.
     I know the warnings and watches were a concern for a lot of people.  I suspect there were flashbacks to April 9, and a little anxiety tossed in for good measure.
     Weather is fickle.  The best we can do is be prepared and aware.  Have a plan.
     And thank our lucky stars it was only thunder and lightning and wind.
     Speaking of which, my grill was almost off the deck.  It is not light.  The wheels were locked.
     The Weber was hanging over the first step.  I had to work hard to get it back onto the patio.
     It moved about 3 feet......which would take a pretty stiff breeze to do.

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