Saturday, November 7, 2015

like a virgin, all over again

I spent my first night with the dogs in the new house

     The kids are away, so pops is dog sitting.
     It was quite the interesting night.
     The knock on the door at about 11:30 startled me and got Bennett up and barking.  Cooper was out back at the time, taking one last turn around the yard before bed time.
We went to the door, but there was no one there.  The motion light was not on.  No cars appeared on the street.
     Yet it was a distinct knocking.  Three raps.  No Terry, just three raps, so I know it wasn't Sheldon.
     As I was just walking around the house to check doors, I found the snake.
     Now, it isn't/wasn't a big snake and it had definitely been chewed on.  It looks to me like a red belly, a perfectly harmless Illinois native that is often found in woodpiles.  (Note to Emily and John:   It is in a baggie on the garage stairs so you can inspect at your leisure.)
     The kids don't have a lot of furniture...the EF 4 took care of most of their stuff.  (Note to self:  bring a flashlight so if  I hear another big thump next to my bed just after lights out, I don't have to trip over my shoes to find the light switch.)
     And I forgot the rule about closing the door so satanic cat does not come into the room when you are sleeping and attempt to cuddle.  If I had done that, I would not have had the paw whacking me in the chest a little after 7 this morning.  I will close the door next time and leave the cat out.
     I was a little puzzled when one of the greyhounds was inside the fenced off area.  I moved the fence and Pearl walked out as if she had done that before.
     The next trip out had Amelia behind the fence.  When I went to move the fence, she merely leaped over it.  It was truly an amazing jump....she had plenty of clearance.
     Of course I can't figure out the is tough for me.  I think I ended up recording Channel 1 for an hour, but it could have been 12...not sure exactly.  Luckily for me I was tired and went to bed instead of watching a lot of tv.
     I did watch a couple of Househunters.  The first one was a woman in Chicago who wanted a traditional brick bungalow that she could redo.  She found one for $349,000 and decided to put a second floor on to create bedroom and bathroom space.  But she completely gutted the first floor...down to the studs.
     My friends John and Kathy have a bungalow ant the charm is in the woodwork and trim and windows throughout the house.  I can't imagine all that character being eliminated.  Midway into the second episode, I started nodding off, so the dogs and I went to bed.
     All in all, it was nice to be back in the house .... even with the ghosts, dead snake and affectionate devil cat.

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