Wednesday, November 4, 2015

tis the season....

I hung some Christmas lights outside today

     I know!  It's too early!!  What was I thinking?
     I was thinking that instead of doing this when it is -20 and blowing like heck, I would take advantage of the beautiful night and hang our garland on the porch.
     (I have named my garland Judy.  Just have.)
    So now it is done.  I won't plug it in or turn it on until after Thanksgiving, but at lase it will be in place.  by the way, it is the plastic stuff, not the real, smells great, stuff.
     Here's where I get mixed up.  Years ago we bought some Judy for our house on Skare Court.  It worked fine for four years, then a strand went out.  So we bought another strand.  But this looked different from the others, and it only had one plug!  There is no way to connect the newer ones in a series.  But we made do.  Then another strand went half out, and we started wrapping white lights around it.
     Last year after Christmas we bought six strands to replace all the other stuff.  Everything would match, we could plug in a series, all was good.
     And it was 50 per cent off, which made it a great deal.
     It would have been great if I had remembered that.
     Instead, I hung up the two kinds of old stuff then I found the new Judys, but I did not want to take all the other stuff down.
     I should have made a note.
     In other news:  harvested carrots.  We froze carrots.  We found out Corki likes raw carrots.  Gave some carrots away.  Have more to freeze.
     And when I rode the bike path Tuesday, I saw a bird in a tree.  I used my cell phone to take a picture.  I could not tell if it was a hawk or an owl....I think it was a hawk.  (Is it me or does my cell phone just take crappy pictures?)
     Imagine my surprise when I looked at the picture tonight and saw two, give a look.   What do you see?
     Is it a ghost bird to join ghost dog on nightly haunts of my mind?
     Inquiring minds want to know.


 In the middle of the picture, about one inch up....2 birds, or 1?

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