Sunday, November 8, 2015

Not California dreaming...just dreaming

I just had a wild night

     Not the kind I would suggest for anyone, but a wild one none the less.
     This was night two at the kids' house.
     All the dogs were in their beds, the door was closed so the cat would not cuddle in the middle of the night.
     I swear a car pulled in the driveway.  The bathroom lit up with a wash of headlights.  I got up and looked out the windows.  No car, but all the motion lights were on, but there was not a thing to be found out of place.
     I went back to bed.
     Now I sleep in my sleeping bag.  Doesn't make sense to dirty a set of sheets for one or two nights, so I use my bag.  And I generally open a window because I love the outside air at night.
     It was then I had a weird dream.
     Chicago John and I were getting off a train in a station.  The roads for cars had these lights that turned on when you went past them, your speed determined the colors.  Whtie slow, red too fast.  I wanted to get in our car and drive to see the colors.
     But I went up the escalator.
     When I got to the top I met three one armed girls who were having their pictures taken with people for $1.  Their come on was:  Get your picture taken with three one armed girls.  A once in a lifetime event.
     I had my picture taken and the music started playing.  John was calling me from the lower level, the girls were singing and playing instruments and it got louder and louder and louder until it finally woke me up.
     As I lay in the dark, I could hear the a radio playing.
     The dogs were not barking, but the music was playing.
     So I decided to get out of bed again, and check out the house.  It was music I heard.
     And that's when I fell out of bed, hitting my head on the plastic storage unit next to the bed, setting off a howling and barking from the dogs and yowling from the cat.......a cacophony, if you will.
     My head hurts.  Even now, several hours afterward, it still hurts.  My right arm is a little sore too.
     This morning there was a bunch of broken glass in the road in front of Em's.  Green glass, brown glass, white glass....all in a pile.  I thought at first it was a broken beer bottle, but the grass was almost pulverized and multi colored.  I swept up as much as I could because I was afraid people could get flat tires.
     I honestly don't know what happened.  I don't know if the events were related.  I don't know where the music came from.  I'll stress again, there was music!
     I used to wonder if a contractor would intentionally leave a radio inside a wall and set the alarm for some weird time.  When the alarm went off, the radio would go on. ..... kind of a diabolical way to drive someone like me insane.
     Or at least put them on the road to insomnia.

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